Seminar 10 2021-2023: Hemostasis - Congenital bleeding disorders
Presenter: Prof Cedric Hermans - UCLouvain -
Dec 17, 2022
Chairs: Prof Cedric Hermans (UCLouvain) & Dr Helena Devos (AZ Sint-Jan Brugge)
- Blood coagulation revisited – General Introduction and overview (Prof Cedric Hermans - UCLouvain)
- Laboratory tests in bleeding disorders (Dr Marie-Astrid Van Dievoet - UCLouvain)
- Acquired bleeding disorders (Prof Dr Catherine Lambert - UCLouvain)
- Management of thrombosis (Prof Dr Peter Verhamme - UZ Leuven)
- Congenital bleeding disorders (Prof Cedric Hermans - UCLouvain)
- Thrombophilia screening (Dr Christelle Orlando- UZ Brussel)